Model Games
Below is a selection of some of the Model Games that we stock. There are many more and we are always happy to discuss and show you the wide variety available.
There is a thriving model gaming community on Guernsey and they meet on Saturdays and Sundays in our store. If you would like to come down and join in the battles then just drop by, even if you just want some where sociable to chat while you are painting your collection.
Warhammer 40K Battle Report Orks vs Tyranids
Games Workshop - Warhammer 40K
Collect incredible armies of miniatures representing armies from the distant future, then recreate the brutal clash of 41st Millennium warfare in tabletop games of strategy and luck for two or more players. Each aspect of the Warhammer 40,000 hobby is hugely rewarding and satisfying in its own right. Build and paint your collection as you choose, to represent one of the iconic forces of the far future, or one of your own invention.
Star Wars Shatterpoint Dooku Squad
The Star Wars: Shatterpoint game empowers players to alter the fate of the galaxy, from the Core Worlds to the Outer Rim. Players build and command a strike team composed of iconic Star Wars characters and pit them against each other in exciting battles!
Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Collect incredible armies of miniatures representing armies from a fantastical world, then challenge your friends to warfare in tabletop games of strategy and luck for two or more players. Each aspect of the Warhammer Age of Sigmar hobby is hugely rewarding and satisfying in its own right. Build and paint your collection as you choose, to represent one of the forces of this fantastical world.
Marvel Crisis Protocol convocation affiliation
Enter the Marvel Universe and assemble your own dream team of iconic characters! Choose an affiliation and man your squad to take on opponents in highly fun skirmish games.
Star Wars X-Wing Core Set
Star Wars X-Wing
Control the most advanced starfighters and outstanding pilots in the galaxy! In X-Wing Miniatures Game, you take the role of squad leader and command a group of merciless Imperial or daring Rebel pilots in furious ship-to-ship space combat.
Featuring stunningly detailed and painted miniatures, X-Wing recreates exciting Star Wars space battles from small engagements of only a couple of craft to large conflicts where multiple squadrons clash. Select and equip your ships, pick your crew, plan your attack, and complete your mission.